Technical Team Update
by Nick McDonald, PSIA-NW Technical Team Head Coach
If you didn't know, the PSIA-NW Technical Team is in the midst of its 25th Anniversary. Developed by Chris Thompson, the "Tech Team" came to life in the 1980/81 season. Initially its purpose was to provide a training ground for Northwest divisional staff members aspiring to the PSIA National Demonstration team and to higher education in general.
Since Chris put the team together it has grown into an effective tool for the division and in many ways mimics the national team at a divisional level. Some Tech Team members still aspire to and make the national team, most recently Nelson Wingard. However making the national team is no longer the primary focus and Tech Team members realize the impact and importance our division receives from them as a working group.
Each year the Tech Team has a work session in the fall. Over the years this work session has conceived events such as Summer Race Camp, Divisional Academy and Fall Seminar. The initial exam task videos, education program topic outlines and many other useful tools for the division have also been crafted at the work sessions. The Education, Technical and Certification programs use the Technical Team to spearhead and develop program improvements. The Technical Team fall work session is the venue the Team uses to start the ball rolling on many projects.
At this fall's work session the topics covered included a recap of the PSIA National Team training at Copper Mountain, a report on our division's "state of the union" by Kirsten Huotte (Education and Programs Director), development of a movement analysis model and a training agenda for the team members.
The existing Technical Team is focused on continuing its charter to be an effective research and development group for the division as well as being some of the top