Forgive me. I know that sounds sick, but I am an accountant AND THE PSIA-NW FINANCIALS ARE GREAT!
Now that I have your attention, please give me two minutes of your time to read the following important membership information.
Hi. I am Diana Suzuki and I was appointed as the PSIA-NW financial VP last spring. Truthfully, I did enjoy reading the financial statements. It is my pleasure to share with you that this organization is very careful in how money is allocated and that it depends upon volunteers to keep expenses as low as possible. As a result, more dollars are available to provide as many events as possible and keep dues increases to a minimum.
In the summer Newsletter, a breakdown was given of the annual budget. I’ve included it again here below. With 33% of all expenditures going to pay for clinics and exams, 22% for the office and the remainder to pay for printing, postage, taxes, insurance, etc., these are normal expenses you would expect any non-profit to incur to support its membership.
No Enron here. All money is accounted for and carefully spent to give you the best service and products. Quite frankly, I am very impressed so much is accomplished with the budget available and how well the office staff balances out every event to make sure the organization is fiscally sound.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me through the PSIA-NW office.
See you on the slopes!